Birthday Fun: July 11

We were glad Charlie and his buddies decided to celebrate his 18th birthday aboard KIT II!  It had been 18 years since I had last seen his grandparents and his parents – Fern said was probably pregnant with him on their last fishing trip!  While fishing was slow early on, the tide changed and it picked up, leaving us with a decent catch of fish.  Watch the video clip to see why some of the fellas swore their luck changed!  Being around these respectful young men was certainly encouraging!  Appreciate your business…please don’t wait another 18 years Fern!

One Comment on “Birthday Fun: July 11”

  1. Fern Canova says:

    It was an awesome day and we appreciate Danny and Billy and their hard work to make it that way. We wouldn’t choose to fish with anyone else and I hope it won’t be 18 years before we can do it again!

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